Taking the High Ground: Spotting Mr. Crooks---But Questions Remain
A Butler, Pennsylvania resident and pastor, Matthew Everhard, offers some, possible, insight into how Mr. Crooks might have been spotted by bystanders on the ground.
Please consider VIDEO 1 linked below, which was posted on YouTube by Pastor Matthew Everhard, standing on (what I suppose to be) the western side of the building from which, reputedly, Mr. Crooks took his shots (currently and alternatively considered to be either three in number under the assumption of multiple shooters, or as others claim, eight in number under the assumption of a single shooter).
In the still image—seen in Figure 1—taken from the video above, Pastor Everhard uses yellow highlighter to illustrate the area in the picture which he identifies as a higher ground which potentially provides an observer from below with the capability of seeing a person located on the roof (as Mr. Crooks was assumed to be during the Trump rally on July 13, 2024).
Figure 1, above. The yellow highlighted arc in the foreground appears to be what the observer, Matthew Everhard, indicates as bounding area of higher elevation compared to the region marked off to the left in the picture.
VIDEO 2, below: What the crowd is reported to have seen on July 13, 2024.
This higher elevation, Pastor Everhard asserts, can provide view of a human form on the roof and may possibly answer the question raised in the Substack article, linked below, as to how a crowd on July 13th, located at grade, could spot Mr. Crooks on the far, eastern side of this roof. This is possibly a very useful contribution by Pastor Everhard.
This video evidence by the pastor, however, still does not reconcile what seems to be a disparity in the views of what can be interpretted to be the north-facing side of the building under the shooter, Mr. Crooks. Please see the previous Substack newsletter, American Siberia, “A Crooked Story of Roofs: If it Looks Like a Duct . . .,” linked here, where this question is explored further along with useful images.
These are small forensic details, perhaps only for the stout hearts of persnickety, Columbo-esque questioners, but my experience in the laboratory and the field suggests that probing these details are very important means of recreating the real event of a crime—or any other event for that matter.
The questions continue.