Candace Owens Alters Media Forever with USS Liberty Story---E. Michael Jones & David Schmitt and Catholic Bishops Threatening Even Use of FBI to Gag Americans Based on Claims of Anti-semitism
As the Old Medium of Propagandistic News-Entertainment-Academy Collapses, NGOs Collude with Government to Create a Draconian System of Control: Contact Info for Bishops Included; ADDENDUM [2025-01-06]
The Video recorded on 2024-12-19 between E. Michael Jones and me (David Schmitt) begins with a discussion on the attempted smearing of Candace Owens with “The Antisemite of the Year Award.” Drs. E. Michael Jones, Commentator, Editor of Culture Wars Magazine ( and Biologist David Schmitt discuss the significance of the New Media--and that of the this particular story of the USS Liberty—in exposing how the silence and deception of the old, gatekeeping Medium have led to national destruction, murders and genocide on an unimaginable scale. Consider, for examples, the genocides in Gaza and--essentially so--in the Ukraine. What is more, the fabricators of corporo-governmental, total-surround falsity have rocketed the world toward a very-possible nuclear WWIII with wanton recklessness.
The video produced by Miss Owens and to which Jones and Schmitt are referring is provided here, below. In this video, recorded on December 11, 2024, Candace Owens committed an act of not only journalism, but of history, with her conversation with former Navy man, Phil Tourney. Please see here:
During this discussion, Miss Owens and Mr. Tourney discussed the event of the June 8, 1967 [corrected date] attack by aircraft and torpedo boats of the Israeli military on the USS Liberty. The courageous conversation has significantly vivified the New Media which was already, since 2015, replacing the WWII-era news and propaganda industry now in its inverted, precipitous, deadly descent toward earth.
If this reign of lies created by the residual, Old Medium were not producing results that are horrific enough, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB, in collaboration with the American Jewish Committee, AJC, have publicized a document--of murky status in terms of teaching authority--entitled “Translate Hate: The Catholic Edition.”1 On the Catholic side, that is the USCCB, the principal agent is Bishop Joseph C. Bambera of Scranton, Pennsylvania. If this bishop and his collaborators have their way, this document essentially will act as a gag order that exposes anyone, both Catholics and non-Catholics, to deplatforming and reporting to police and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI. 'Deplatforming' in the digital age can involve banning from critical websites; demonetization of payment systems for targeted individuals; result in the loss of some or all banking privileges; create an inability to use credit cards, rent housing or purchase homes and automobiles; effectively bar hiring; cancel the person from acceptable society and activity; involve defamation of the individual and disablement of them from legal redress; expose individuals to false and unfounded suspicion and accusation with the possibility of false imprisonment; involve loss of livelihood and 'depersoning' someone that will hinder or completely prevent them from the ability to sustain life. The evil and the perversity of what is being contemplated by this Jewish and Zionist advocacy group, along with the USCCB, is patently unconstitutional and, albeit a non-lawyer, my layman’s opinion is that this reeks of felonious intent and conspiracy to deprive individuals of their civil rights with the expectation that due process will for many be nearly impossible.
This destruction of someone's good name is in Church teaching gravely sinful. It is tantamount to the murdering of one’s reputation with job loss, early death, and an increased hazard of suicide of the targetted person by random assassins as a statistically predictable outcome in a sufficient number of cases as to produce an intended, chilling effect.
There is generally little or no ability to appeal in such situations involving cancellation or defplatforming, especially since this heinous act approaches the pinnacle of extra-judicial punishment of a most Kafka-esque form. At the very least, as mentioned, Bishop Bambera and his allies in the AJC threaten the constitutional rights of innocent Americans. On the layer of theological and ecclesial analysis, the actions of Bishop Bambera are immoral simply and already because of their intimidating and threatening effect involving a potential crime. If enacted, a level of governmental, organization and crowd mobbing and blacklisting can be predicted that will unquestionably parallel the dark scenario depicted in the Book of the Apocalypse.
Alarmingly, on December 18, 2024 [hours before the scheduled recording of this EMJ-DS videocast], a person who is thought to have killed three people the same day, travelled to the home of internet commentator Nick Fuentes. On video images released, the heavily armed, potential assassin rang Mr. Fuentes doorbell and called Mr. Fuentes’ name. Reporting indicates that this individual next terrorized a neighbor family with children and killed two of their dogs, before fleeing to an alleyway where he was confronted by police, engaged in some sort of exchange, and was himself killed.
This bizarre incident reflects the grave danger posed and predictably provoked by profoundly ill-advised documents such as, “Translate Hate: The Catholic Edition,” which Bishop Bambera has drafted and which has at least enough support by the USCCB as to achieve publication by the same. It must be asked of Bp. Bambera, where in the Bible, the Catholic Catechism, The Constitution of the United States, or even within commonly-shared language and understanding of Justice, is it permissible to encourage such a tendentious and dangerous recommendation of what cannot be named as anything other than the colloquial term of 'snitching', and a very malicious snitching based on a term—antisemitism—that defies clear definition, religious or legal?
The concept of malignant obedience is revisited by me [DS]. This arose is stark relief during the lockdowns, destruction of worldwide economies & societies, forced and often lethal injections with nucleic acid-based substances, as well as the Blitzkrieg of propaganda from 2020 till the present day.2 This malevolent campaign could only have occurred with the culpable and obsequious compliance of the masses---something that they must accept blame for along with the perpetrators. What we observed with horror was the power of the Tyranny Team: the tyrant and the willing, obeisant dupes.
Some, conservative Catholics especially, believe that obedience is the sine qua non of being a Catholic. But this is a woefully inadequate and incorrect conception. Adherence to Church teaching represents an important stepping stone, and a life-long commitment, for an observant disciple of the teachings of Christ transmitted to Catholics through Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. But the disciple must be led to observe not only the letter of these teachings, but—as Christ demanded his disciples regarding the Old Testament law—to fulfill and transcend Church precepts while faithfully observing them in love.
Failure to go beyond the “I am only following orders” approach to governing one’s actions, places one in immediate risk of malignant obedience, that is, the commission of known evil and sin while hiding behind an authority who is assumed to bear the responsibility for one’s own actions. Uncritical promotion of blind obedience as somehow holy rapidly progresses to manipulated adherence to human and political ideologies of compromised business leaders, politicians, bishops and priests (such as invasive, replacement immigration; support for the Ukrainian proxy war against Russia, the genociding of Gazan families and a raft of dubious welfare projects that unjustly disadvantages the supporting population). Such obeisance is a cowardly maneuver that abdicates responsibility and culpability for unjust and immoral actions within an organization or movement. These authorities to whom responsibility is abdicated in such cases, must ultimately and sadly be acknowledged by mature and faithful Catholics as all-too-frequently being merely representatives of a bureaucratic crust of the Church, not the eternal, living Body of Christ. For convenience and clarity in writing, I have adopted the practice of referring to the bureaucratic crust as ‘cherch’ (spelled with an ‘e’) in order to distinguish it from the authentic, undefileable Church (spelled—of course—with a ‘u’).
Dr. Jones states with his typical incisiveness that all Catholics should be encouraged to write their bishops and demand the answer to the question of whether the bishop would call Jesus an "antisemite?" This is a commendable idea.
Please write your bishops here:
We can also add in letters to these bishops, mention of the fact that, Pope Francis—much revered by the more compliant Catholics--was recently photographed in prayer before a Nativity scene including an infant Jesus resting in a crib lined with a Keffiyeh, a traditional scarf of Palestinian people. This act of protest, by the Pope, against the genocidal slaughter of Palestinians is one of the few acts or statements of his with which I agree.
I [DS] further suggested and stressed in this video that this particular Bishop, and those of his colleagues in agreement with him, need not only to be rebuffed in this project called, “Translate Hate: The Catholic Edition,” but they must be punished, and by this I specifically mean punishment by the mechanisms of Church discipline available within the Catholic hierarchy, commonly referred to as "Rome." These are disciplines reserved for priests and religious—not of laymen. If such Church, in-house punishment is not a part of the correction of this bishop, it is reasonable to expect further attempts leading to the oppression and harm of the Faithful, and outrageously so at the hands of their Shepherds.
AFTER NOTE: [DS] I tried to gently and politely provide the readers with an alternative to E. Michael Jones’ notion of the non-existence of race. Dr. Jones employs a favorite trope of his that race is a “category of the mind.” This is, upon simple reflection, difficult to support, but my deep respect for Dr. Jones’ mass of work in many areas is such that I did not seek to confront him with a distracting, but not unimportant topic in this video. Jared Taylor engaged Dr. Jones on this topic separately.3 as did Dr. Kevin MacDonald and I three years ago---still to no avail.4 This is an interesting—and friendly—disagreement between parties that should not distract here from the critical issue of the USS Liberty and its significance as well as the threat posed by a captured, corrupted and cowardly Catholic hierarchy.
My [DS] expressed opinions are my own, and unless particular agreement is indicated, are not necessarily those of Dr. Jones.
I thank Dr. Jones for his time in engaging in this interview.
ADDENDUM [2025-01-06]
For instance, would taking note of this comment by Representative Thomas Massie in conversation with Tucker Carlson be considered “antisemitic according to the terms of this document put out by the AJC in collaboration with the Catholic bishops?
Translate Hate: The Catholic Edition. The American Jewish Committee and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 2024.
Professor McCall & Dr. Schmitt – “The Added Dilemma of Self-mutilation and the mRNA Pseudovaccine.” Recorded December 30, 2020 and published April 6, 2021.
“The Great Debate: E. Michael Jones vs. Jared Taylor, Is Race an Important Reality or a Fiction?” A video embedded in an article by Fróði Midjord at Counter Currents Magazine,
There's a big mistake: you write that the attack on the US Liberty was June 8, 2024.
Dave, a very lively and informative discussion with you and Dr. Jones. Enjoyed learning something new.