Dissemblers Cannot Inhabit the Kingdom of Knowledge, Wisdom and Sanctity
[UPDATED 2-11-2023, 12-22-2023] It is time to make one's choice in the existential war against tyranny and murder
This is one of the most critical 49 minutes you will ever spend.
Your reaction to this video will define whether you are a friend or a foe in the existential battle for humankind and the personhood of each individual.
Do not be a dissembler. But what does that mean?
A definition of dissemble, as provided by the American Heritage Dictionary, 1978, is: "To pretend not to recognize; ignore." To dissemble is to dis-assemble the significant parts of the larger story. Dissembling facilitates the disappearance of the wizard behind the curtain, the trickster behind the puff of smoke and the criminal clown into a hall of mirrors. Dissembling wars against pattern detection.
Pattern detectors—people who are smart, diligent and courageous enough to spot the conspiracies—are able to provide the essential and explanatory contexts that make sense of the included objects and events that represent the furnishings and activities of our world and our history.
We live in a universe in which, in order to achieve shared epistemological competence, we must think, both, about the ever finer parts of systems under study as well as the possible overarching, spanning super-systems of which a system being investigated is, itself, a part. The latter represents holistic, anti-reductionistic thinking. But we do not think about these two aspects separately. Our systems contain parts and our systems are parts of larger functional systems. All levels of understanding are necessary for studying the behavior of any other part and any other systemic level. We must integrate reductionist and holistic thinking in order to do our legitimate work as participatory citizens, professionals and due authorities.
The above-mentioned entry in the AHD indicates that this definition became obsolete. That was 44 years ago. It should not be obsolete. It should not have been allowed to become obsolete then. It should not be permitted to remain obsolete into the future. The utility of this word, defined as such, is critically important for recognizing one of the subtle--but coercively disarming--tactics of the crafters of tyranny and murder---murder on a massive scale unknown in history, even in percentage terms and--of course--in absolute terms.
Just as chemists and physicists were able to search for previously unknown chemical elements based upon the Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table of chemical properties, so we too can recognize a gap in the available lexicon. And this gap leaves us less able to perceive threatening patterns, to understand their nature and to fashion effective responses to them. Dissembling fills that gap in the taxonomy of terms related to dishonest tactics.
People who dissemble want to obfuscate and confuse the true connections between parts and systems. These people are dismissive of conversations about important things. Dissemblers persistently treat all arguments and opinions as equally valid even though some are demonstrably weak, logically invalid or rely upon factually incorrect premises. Dissemblers immediately avert their own gaze from evidence that begs to be assembled in a way that presents a compelling and, to the dissembler, an uncomfortable interpretation. They try to deflect the serious conversations of others when reason is driving the curiosity bus and seems to be finding good roads for the sightseeing tour, with full background explanations. As third parties to conversations between mature interlocutors, dissemblers are wont to interject themselves in order to introduce the trivial and the silly. Dissemblers employ the disjointed, the inappropriate and the crudely jocular matador’s cape to distract the charging bull of logical and coherent discussion from achieving its goal. They are not comfortable with all this truth seeking—-who knows where it may lead.
Dissemblers often accuse inquisitive and sharp people of being “conspiracy theorists” without hardly any justification. In fact, the accusation is generally hurled precisely when there is ample justification for probing and when the probing is indeed producing good information about conspiratorial connections. The well-hackneyed, but still-searing, quip is that flak is most intense over the target.
Dissemblers belong to a class that believes that secrecy and half-sentences are the best policy. People who gravitate to positions within governmental and corporate bureaucracy typically exhibit tendencies to default to silence. They make hush-hushed retreats into closed-doors offices to get their stories straight with other managers of what are—really—no more than dissembling operations.
The dissembler is nothing short of a fraud, and a dangerous one at that. In terms of current events, the dissembler is a deadly contributor to, and collaborator with, the hiding of great evils and deceptions.1 No truly scientific, medical, historical, genuinely political (in the highest sense of the term), nor philosophical or theological, conversation can occur with a dissembler. They just do not know, or they disingenuously refuse to acknowledge, the data or evidence.
The dissembler excommunicates him or herself from the table of negotiation.
We are in a time when sound minds must demand more than is provided by the information and control revolution (the "Great Reset," such as it is). Instead we must make happen, over and against the oligarchs, a new era. It must be an era of knowledge, wisdom and sanctity that goes far beyond the mere transfer of information---no matter how fast or efficiently that information moves. The dissembler cannot and, by their own choice will not, have any part of this development of human history.
Refuse malignant obedience.
ADDENDUM 11-22-2022. Recently, I suggested the use of the word, 'dissembler' for those who discourage the recognition of patterns, especially historical, sociological, biological and conspiratorial patterns.
Gab.com commenter,"ed," is partly correct in pointing out that the term 'conspiracy deniers' may be an alternative. At least, it may be employed for polemical purposes with effectiveness. However, the category of “denier” possesses the attribute of symmetry such that it lacks an inherent moral vector. Due to this symmetry, both sides of a controversy can attach the term 'denier' to whatever class of ideas they, themselves, favor in order to disparage the claims of their opponents or enemies.
Compare this sentence from an article by Paul Craig Roberts: “Scientists who don’t accept the Woke ideology that gender is self-declared, not biologically determined, are disciplined and fired as ‘transgender deniers’.” (See: “The Suppression of Free Speech Has Close to Majority Support in America,” 21 November 2022), with a sentence from the doctoral dissertation of Richard G. Elefritz, “Discourse Among the Truthers and Deniers of 9/11…,” July 2014. (See: https://shareok.org/bitstream/handle/11244/14823/Ellefritz_okstate_0664D_13606.pdf?sequence=1), “In order to stigmatize and discredit the movement, which is a strategy well understood by sociologists (Becker 1963; Ferree 2004; Goffman 1963; Grattet 2011; Husting & Orr 2007), these labels are employed by the 911TM’s challengers, whom members of the 911TM sometimes refer to as “Debunkers” or “Deniers”4 of 9/11 Truth (https://shareok.org/bitstream/handle/11244/14823/Ellefritz_okstate_0664D_13606.pdf?sequence=1).”
Thus, parties that may generally fall in separate ideological camps can employ the term ‘denier’ with equal, evidence-free facility against the other. Post-modernist neopragmatists, the philosophical descendants of Dewey and—more recently—Richard Rorty, reject both scientific and revealed (religious) claims of truth and are the prominent representatives of contemporary Leftism. Their strategy uses the tactic of “whatever sticks to the wall today” for cynical political utility. Winning is all that matters. When scientific, Rightist and/or religious conservatives employ the ‘denier’ term, their objective is generally limited to its momentary tactical value and to implicitly expose what they believe to be the emptiness of the ‘denier’ term when used against them by their opponents.
In contradistinction, 'dissembler', as a term, does have an inherent directedness, or asymmetry. Dissemblers are those who refuse to look at truly objective evidence in fear that a picture inevitably emerges from individual parts, events, recognized or documented facts or measurements. There can be no charge leveled, in the other direction, at those that genuinely assemble facts with reasonable skepticism and--virtuously--question themselves and desire to accumulate more substantiating evidence, even that which would undermine their prior hypotheses.
Deniers are people who reject conclusions, with evidence or--in summary form--without evidence. Dissemblers reject, a priori, the very ordering of the premises, the causes fed into the meat grinder of logical methods leading to valid conclusions. The latter represents a crime against reason, against logic (the Logos) and against the hope of human communication.
We can no longer afford to allow dissemblers a free hall pass to skip out of the classroom of life—where important matters, hypothesized patterns and serious evidence are being discussed—to go hang out in the restrooms and smoke their addictions and chatter about their adolescent distractions. These people affect policy and they cooperate with and facilitate tyrants. The dissemblers are the current Know-nothing Party, and they are a danger to themselves and to us.
The dissemblers represent a pandemic of the disinterested, or worse yet, a kind of “anti-interested.” And the pandemic of the disinterested is a deadly pandemic for sure—-worse than anything that a biological agent is likely to achieve without the assistance of a lying, propagandizing Media.
Thus we have assemblers (‘hypothesizers’ in scientific terminology, truth seekers, detectives, historians and genuine journalists of yesterday) versus the dissemblers.
Propagandistic messages are the overtly manifested aspects, the positive techniques, in the deception of war. Think of the obnoxious, patently absurd, and robotic messages blared at visitors to airports in 2021 informing them that face masks were required.
Dissembling is the more covert aspect characterized by the eliminative technique in the deception of war. “Nothing to see here…” “Oh, not another ‘conspiracy theory nut’…” “Pah-lease, can we change the topic already?” “I have never heard of ‘Building Seven’—how come?” “After all of the crazy theories, no one has ever shown that anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy.”
Yet another example, use of the term "anti-vaxxer"—an imprecise term on at least two levels—is a tactic of dissembling. As emphasized above, the sadly somewhat obsolete meaning implies deceptive obstruction of the association, arrangement and proper interpretation of relevant facts to form a coherent, cogent picture which can in turn be tested and, possibly, verified.
Use the term DISSEMBLER, recognize the behavior, communicate and expose the commission of deed.
[UPDATE 2023-12-22] Intended or not, this author used the term, ‘dissembler’, perfectly:
these people are all around us….. great article